Well, here we go!!! We are going to do this! How hard can it possibly be, right?

For those of you who follow WeeTalk, you know that we are just beginning our journey with our blog (as well as “going live” or “vlogging” or whatever you call it, on Instagram & Facebook). So, we are a bit nervous! Isn’t everyone when you begin a new activity? We have been so worried about “getting it right” and not being controversial that we have just continued to procrastinate. Well, now we have decided that we are just going to do it! 😊

So, yesterday I did a little video tip for parents on how to elicit language by using ‘close-phrases’ with Brown Bear, Brown Bear. Every Speech-Language Pathologist knows this book, right? In reviewing it the video, I noted that I am talking quite fast and I didn’t even mention several of the tips that I intended to. LOL! Everyone makes it look so easy! Hmm, why is it so uncomfortable for me? For starters, I don’t like the way I look. I don’t like the way my voice sounds. I don’t like that I am dysfluent when I am nervous. (Wow, I don’t like a lot of things!) Having said that, I am quite sure that I am not the only one feeling this way so, I am just going to roll with it. If you want to check it out, go to WeeTalk on Instagram or Facebook. Oh, and DON’T JUDGE! It’s got to get better/easier, right? LOL

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