Early Intervention Services
Parent Coaching
The services and supports identified for your child and family will reflect your unique activities, values, and community participation as well as your priorities and concerns.
WeeTalk’s Early Intervention Supports and Services are provided through coaching supports that are evidence-based and individualized for your child and family. We recognize young children learn best through everyday experiences and interactions with nurturing people in familiar contexts.
There are many ways for your family to receive services and supports. Peers and family members are included in routines rather than isolating your child in one-to-one activities. EI coaching supports integrating all aspects of child development and learning from first contacts through transitions between and among programs.
Are You a Physical, Occupational, or Speech Therapist?
About WeeTalk
WeeTalk is owned and operated by therapists. Founded in 2006, WeeTalk provides a full range of Early Intervention services for infants and children. Our specialized services include Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Feeding Therapy, and Special Instruction as well as Hearing, Visual, and Behavior Supports.
WeeTalk Early Intervention
2851 Centre Avenue
Suite E
Reading, PA 19605
Office Hours
Monday - Friday | 9:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday & Sunday | Closed